sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Misterio inexplicable

¿Por qué es "ca ", "ce (se)", "ci (si)", "co", "cu"?
Por: Carmine Do Souto.

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

"No estuvo bien, pero sí estuvo bueno"

"Old habits die hard"

Or better said, old habits become harder to quit... Specially those hideous ones that hurt you to the core, but for some absurd reason, you just can't and won't quit.

Some are easy to recognize... I presume that it's quite hard to quit smoking, it's fucking addictive...

But some other addictions are not that obvious and yet, are equally destructive. They become the center of our distractions in the path for the search of happiness and peace. They just are, exist. Auto sabotage...

They start out from a minimal expression, almost imperceptible. But, as one grows older, or un-grows (for a better word), these habits feed from bad experiences, insecurities, fears and remorse and become almost unbearable to look at and impossible to defeat...

They come back when you thought you've left them behind, and as impossible as it seems, come back strengthened and invincible, they are absolutely breathtaking and very much appealing, seductive and sensuous.

Very irresistible.

And the key to their "irresistibleness" is that they steal you from your real self, they take you away from the fearful seek of self-consciousness, and self-acknowledgment. If you want to look away from yourself, these particular habit will take you away, but hey, the afterwards leaves you confused, spinned around, disoriented and dumbfounded... Submissive.

Impossible to quit but mandatory to do so...

So not that impossible I hope.

They die hard, but die...