martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

About God and the Cab driver...

I was on my way to the Commercial Registry Office. I thought I would arrive with the good company of the music on my iPod, and that, as usual, had to be aware of the driver and the road, just in case...

He inmediatly asked me, -"What's your name?", and I couldn't help myself but answering, -"Fabiola Cristina, what's yours?"

His name is David -the one chosen by God-.

He told me that, before we got to the Registry, he was to grant me two wishes. Two particular wishes. But he first had to do a psycological exam of myself and so he started.

I coulnd't help myself to shed a tear. So accurate... Much more accurate than my therapist has been for over 9 months. In 40 minutes, David gave me the key for happiness. He told me that if I did as he said, I would find peace, which of course is the only thing I trully wish. Peace for myself, for my mind, and my soul.

"Never be afraid to call yourself, to get acquinted to refer to yourself with both of your names, it assures your identity. See your face in the mirror and observe that reflection. Repeat to yourself out loud "Fabiola Cristina, I love you, you deserve the best". Repeat it to yourself 5 times daily, and you'll be convinced of it, and everything that surrounds you will be convinced as well, and it all will start to change. Because if you trully believe that you deserve the best, only the best will reach you."

And so we arrived to the Registry, I was completely dumbfounded.

And convinced that I found God driving a taxi.

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

"Thank you for the music"

Probably introducing to Venezuela...

"Each of you complaining about the situation
You wonder what they did so well
Now each of you complaining about his chosen vocation,
but I’m not dealing with scum like you

And its just a case of tragic magic,
when you can’t remember feeling fantastic
Just another case of tragic magic,
when the dealer remembers more than the man"

Tragic Magic by The View
And yet again, thanking Andrew McGregor for presenting this to me...

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

Otra hora perdida aquí...

Y mientras estas aquí, pasa por el hombrillo, violando toda ley de tránsito, una camioneta rotulada con las palabras "Servicio de vías rápidas- Policía Nacional Bolivariana".

Y es que en esta ciudad ya no hay más espacio para el cinismo y el absurdo.

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

Scaramouche 2.0

And just like that, in a spare moment, the hideous memory was suddenly and elegantly erased.

The best of all. With no company but ourselves. No Pink Floyd, no SodaStereo, no The Doors.


No distractions whatsoever.

Nothing hurt but your ego. And the sincere promise of making it up to me. Which I accepted reluctantly but gladly.

Scared as hell, scared of being part of another disappointment. Scared of you hurting me again with my consent and my absurd silence.

It was better than I ever imagined it could be. You were prepared. So was I.

And we finally got peace back, recovered balance. We made it happen.

We escaped at the escape.


"Qué ingenua, mi torpeza,
y me sentí tan esencial,
qué ingenua, mi vergüenza"

Qué m e d i o c r e .

De: Ximena Sariñana

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

The kilt...

Y así, en un segundo. Un escocés que nunca ha tomado whiskey escocés, que nunca en su vida ha tomado café, que tiene un hijo, que ama escribir, que piensa que su voz grave es tonta, que yo pienso que es hermosa. Así, de la nada, aparece y al fin puedo practicar mi inglés.

Aparece y me dice que sí cree en el destino.

¿Creo yo en el destino?

To Andy McGregor, to whom I'll translate this in due time...

Hometown Glory

"I like it in the city when two worlds collide"

By Adéle