martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

I fell for...

I fell in love with the Cow. Yes, the cow. I fell in love with two McDonald's, with electricity shortages, with volcanoes. I wanted those three children although I told you I only wanted two. I wanted them to have your eyes and your hands, my nose and my hair and your wit. I never wanted my children to have anyone else's wit until I met you.

I fell in love as well with India and Australia, I liked the idea of eating worms and who knows what else you'll make me eat, I fell in love with you when you told me that you see women as Edward Cullen sees Bella Swan, and I, for a moment thought I would see your skin shining under the sun, someday, any day, because you were so unreal. You are still unreal to me.

I fell in love with the uncertain future. A dangerous thing to do, because one tends to idealize future, and that is why I also fell in love with the idea that you wouldn't mind to know and to bear that I am a major weeper and that I am not willing to change it, I even thought you would consider it cute.

I am in love with the idea of telling Julián that -"I wrote this for your father when I was 19 years old, when I was already sure that we were made for each other"-.

I fell in love with you, because you set foot on what three different persons in three different continents told you. And I believed you. What if it wasn't me? What if you thought it fit but now you realize that it wasn't me? That I am not the one? Where does that leave me?

How come is it that I fell in love with so many having so little?

And I realized again, that I didn't fell in love with you, but with the idea of you.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Exactamente ... las personas suelen enamorarse de ideas, creencias, actitudes que alguna vez conformaron la imagen completa de un todo que por lo que veo se fue desintegrando en sus partes y quedó pues ... eso mismo ... una idea de lo que una vez fue o creiste que fue.
    Tu redacción en inglés es impecable!
